Nestled amidst the opulence of Dubai, Floareá Vista by Mashriq Elite Developments epitomizes a masterpiece, seamlessly integrating ingenious design elements to showcase our distinct identity. Boasting captivating interiors, innovative exteriors, and unrivaled amenities, it pledges a lifestyle of harmony in Discovery Gardens – Al Furjan Community. Spanning 10 floors, with 158 luxurious residential units ranging f rom studios to two-bedroom apartments, complemented by exclusive roof-floor amenities, it heralds a new era of opulent living.
Surpassing mere aesthetics, the interiors of Floarea Vista unveil themselves as a lavish masterpiece, seamlessly blending opulence with practicality. From meticulously chosen decor to an ambiance exuding sophistication, every detail has been meticulously curated to provide an elevated living experience synonymous with modern luxury living.
Enveloped within Dubai’s vibrant landscape, Discovery Gardens and Al Furjan Community coalesce to form an opulent haven of modern living. This meticulously crafted sanctuary, curated by visionary developers, seamlessly marries sophistication with contemporary allure. With luxurious abodes, verdant landscapes, and bespoke amenities, Al Furjan beckons discerning individuals to indulge in a lifestyle beyond compare. Here, amidst grandeur and grace, residents find respite, elevating every moment amidst the dynamic pulse of Dubai.
Total Units : 206
Studio – 91 Units
1 Bedroom – 97 Units
2 Bedroom – 18 Units