Situated amidst the idyllic backdrop of a tranquil waterway, Trillionaire Residences by Binghatti is poised to redefine the essence of affluent living in the heart of the city’s most iconic financial district, Business Bay
Trillionaire Residences by Binghatti is the epitome of exuberant living. An avant-garde hyper property that is designed to transcend boundaries of contemporary architecture, catered to the most discerning tastes.
What truly sets Trillionaire Residences by Binghatti apart is its commitment to sustainability. The project is equipped with cutting-edge technology and green features that not only minimize its environmental footprint but also enhance the quality of life for its residents.
368 Units
Residential Units
Commercial – 6 Units
Studio – 239 Units
1 Bedroom – 59 Units
2 Bedrooms – 64 Units
Additional Fees of Payment Plan
Oqood Fees – 5000 AED